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Inner Thigh Gap from Coolsculpting
Coolsculpting of Inner and Outer Thighs showing the Thigh Gap. 5 weeks after treatment.

  It seems that women are going to great lengths to try to achieve the elusive “inner thigh gap”.  According to Nik Richie, the founder of the website “The Dirty” who claims to be the  first to coin the phrase “inner thigh gap”, the space between the thighs needs to ideally be 5 finger breadths.  Many people, including physicians, argue that women are genetically predisposed as to whether they have the ability to obtain an ITG.  If one’s hips are narrow, the argument is that the legs are too close together and having a gap is not possible.  Nik’s reply is that it is possible in all women with harsh dieting and exercise, with particular attention to the thigh abductor weight machine (I think he meant adductor machine).  Most women would probably be satisfied with an ITG of any dimension, and  feel that Nik’s definition is at the far end of the spectrum.

Coolsculpting has just made it easier for women to improve their inner thighs.  Whether or not one achieves the perfect “5 finger breadth” gap is really dependent upon what status the thighs are before starting the procedure, their anatomy (genetics) and how much is related to excessive fat deposits.  Each Coolsculpting treatment is able to decrease fat in the treated area by about 25%.  Results can be visible at only 5 weeks but take about 3 months to fully appreciate the change.  The procedure can be repeated if more fat reduction is desired.

Although Coolsculpting was initially FDA approved in 2009  (2010 approval to treat flanks), the handpieces to treat the thigh area were only recently developed and approved.  Both the Coolsmooth and Coolfit handpieces are able to treat the thigh area.  Treatments are nearly painless and take approximately 1-2 hours per thigh.  There is no downtime and no restrictions on activity after the procedure.  Risks are minimal and include bruising, numbness, and need for more treatments.   Dr. Weiner feels that Coolsculpting offers a healthy method for reducing thigh fat and does not endorse the alternative, that being extreme dieting.  In addition, Dr. Weiner stresses that patients must have realistic expectations as to what the Coolsculpting procedure can achieve, and have an appropriate body image before commencing treatment.

Certainly the “inner thigh gap” is a controversial subject.  Dr. Weiner’s stance is that many people will not be able to achieve the gap with the Coolsculpting procedure, but they should expect improvement.  There are some people who have  an actual physical need to reduce their inner thighs – those who have thighs that rub during exercise or walking – who are particularly good candidates for this treatment.  The bottom line is that Coolsculpting is a noninvasive, no downtime, permanent way to improve one’s inner thighs with it’s newly approved handpieces, gap or no gap.


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