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Santa Rosa Beach, FL


The aging phenomenon affects all the areas of the face and body. Sun exposed areas will be most affected due to the collagen destroying effects of UVA and UVB light. Dr. Weiner has developed a technique which addresses many different aspects of the aging neck, and, better yet, it’s all minimally invasive.


Hyperpigmentation is a sign of UV damage and aging. It can be addressed with nonablative lasers, such as the Thullium 1927nm laser (Fraxel Dual/LaseMD). In some patients, there is also an associated redness, such as in poikiloderma. Redness needs a vascular laser such as the Excel V + laser. Skincare products are essential in maintaining results and must include a retinol, growth factor, and SPF.

Volume Loss

Much has been written about fat loss in the face, but this process will also affect the neck. Recent articles have validated safety with collagen stimulating fillers in the neck if done with careful technique. Deeper lines and wrinkles might also require a hyaluronic acid filler (HA) for improvement


Loss of collagen, elastin, and gravity contribute to skin laxity in the neck. Radiofrequency seems to be the leader of the pack for tightening skin and building collagen and elastin. There are a couple different methods to use RF in the neck such as The Genius, FaceTite/NeckTite/AccuTite.

Hyperactive/hypertrophic Platysma

There is more literature supporting the platysma muscle becomes stronger as one ages. This leads to neck bands, jawline sagging, and corners of the mouth drooping. Strategic placement of a neuromodulator in the platysma can improve the appearance of the jawline and neck.

Excessive fat

Fat can accumulate in the chin area (double chin) and along the jawline. Methods used to improve the appearance of the fat in these areas includes: Kybella, Genius, FaceTite/NeckTite/AccuTite. If these procedures are done, the other procedures listed above will have to done on a different treatment day. Jowling can also be improved with these methods.


By combining these treatments, usually done in a series, multiple areas of the aging process can be addressed. Upkeep with future treatments and skincare is essential to maintain long-term results. To see if Dr. Weiner’s “TriNECKta” treatment is right for you, please call the office: 850-622-1214.




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