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Santa Rosa Beach, FL


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It doesn’t matter how long you spend in the gym. Most women still want a more rounded, lifted buttocks and legs with less cellulite. Wouldn’t it be nice if both of these could be improved with just injections?

There is a new procedure that uses a long term filler for a new purpose. Sculptra has been FDA approved since 2004 for use in the face for volume loss. It works by stimulating one’s own body to produce collagen in response to the PLLA (Poly L Lactic Acid), it’s main component. It takes 2-3 months to appreciate the correction from Sculptra. The result of Sculptra should last years because newly formed collagen lasts 7 years in other areas of the body.

How the procedure works is by filling in the dimples and creases associated with the cellulite with injections. The correction is seen immediately but that subsides rather quickly because it is mostly saline. Over the next several weeks, collagen is gradually built up from the PLLA injected, and the cellulite appearance improv es. Severe laxity and “cottage cheese” of the skin is not correctable.

Creating a Brazilian Butt Lift with Sculptra is an extremely easy procedure to get done. There is no liposuction required, no healing/soreness from fat harvest, no need to sit on donuts or in some cases “avoid sitting at all costs”. It can be done in 15 minutes and is nearly painless. Dr. Weiner prefers to do the procedure in a series of 3-4 treatments. Each injection is done using cannulas for minimal bruising and discomfort. Approximately 4 vials are used per treatments. Long lasting improvements in lifting and fullness should be expected from Sculptra which appears gradually over several months.

Having a minimally invasive alternative to these traditionally difficult to treat “problems” is a breakthrough for those patients “on the go”.  In contrast, a formal BBL requires weeks to recover, restrictions on exercise/sitting and sometimes need “redos”. These Sculptra injections can be done in about 15 minutes and have no downtime except for bruising, with results lasting for years.

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