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Santa Rosa Beach, FL


Removing hair using a laser dates back to 1995, when the first laser was FDA approved for this purpose. The LightSheer laser (Diode) was approved in 1997 and has been the most popular laser for hair removal since then. About 6-7 years ago, the LightSheer Duet was developed for faster and safer treatments and was the laser used by the author for the past 6 years. The Alexandrite (855nm) wavelength has been consider possibly a more effective laser for hair removal, but it’s limitations have been pain and speed. In addition, both the Diode and Alexandrite laser aren’t considered safe for the dark skin tones where a 1064 (Nd:YAG) laser is needed. The Splendor X has solved all these problems and is now the most innovative laser for hair removal on the market.

The concept of laser hair removal was invented by Dr. Rox Anderson from the Wellman Institute at Harvard’s Mass General.  To permanently remove hair, the hair germinal cells must be killed.  This is done by using a laser whose wavelength matches the pigment of the hair.  The heat absorbed by the pigment travels to the germinal cells and permanently injures them.  In the growth phase of a hair cycle (one of 3 phases of the life of a hair), the hair is attached to the germ cells so the heat is effectively transferred to them.  In the other 2 phases of the hair cycle, the heat will not lead to killing the germ cell.  This is why several treatments are needed, so as to eventually hit most of the hairs in the growth phase.  One should expect about 75-85% hair reduction after 6 treatments, and the need for touch ups, 1-2 times per year.

What makes Splendor X different?

Dual (Blended) Wavelengths: Spendor X has both the Alexandrite 855nm and the Nd:YAG 1064 wavelengths. It can safely treat all skin types. For the lighter skin, mostly the 855nm is used. For darker skin, the laser uses a blend of the 2 wavelengths while in type 6’s, only the 1064 is used. While some companies had 2 wavelengths on their device, it is either one or the other, and not a synchronized output. The benefit of the 1064 laser for lighter skin types is that it penetrates deeper than the 755 laser and can attack deeper hair follicles as well as the vasculature feeding these follicles.

Square Footprint: The pulse from the laser is uniquely square. This overcomes the uneven treatments which are inherent in the typical circularly outputs. With the circular footprints there will be potential for skipped areas and/or over-treated areas from overlapping pulses. The Splendor X has a glow-in-the-dark marking system to guide the operator to place pulses abutting each other with minimal overlap.

Double Cooling System: The Splendor X uses both integrated Zimmer Air Chilling as well as a chilled tip to doubly ensure a safe treatment. By chilling the skin surface, the laser will preferentially heat into the deeper dermis where the hair follicles are and is less likely to be attracted to skin pigment (less burn or PIH risk).

Highest Speed: Improvements in speed was one of the major attributes to the LightSheer Duet. It could do a man’s back in about 15 minutes, down from the 45-60 minutes it took previously. With the Splendor X, we can now do the back in about 6 minutes with the same or more safety.

High Power: There is higher power than most lasers with the Splendor X – 75% more – 7 Kw vs 4 Kw. Higher power equates to more efficient treatments, more results, less sessions needed.

Plume evacuation: There is a built in suction to remove the plume of the the vaporized hair. Besides removal the smell, this is important as we learn there are possible negative side effects from the plume.

There has been a lack of innovation in the laser hair removal arena for years. Now the Splendor X leaps to the front of the line with its innovative blended wavelengths, square footprint, and lightening speed. Patients can be confident they are receiving a highly effective, comfortable, and quick hair removal treatment.

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